Sever St in Worcester
Click on a property below to view additional details.
- 0027 SEVER ST
Housing, Other (Charitable Org.) - 0041 SEVER ST
College Or University (Educational Private) - 0047 SEVER ST
College Or University (Educational Private) - 0048 SEVER ST
College Or University (Educational Private) - 0061 SEVER ST
College Or University (Educational Private) - 11 SEVER ST
Affordable Housing Units (Greater Than 50% Of The Units Qualify) - 14 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 25 SEVER ST
Single Family Residential - 26 SEVER ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 28 SEVER ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 29 SEVER ST
Housing - 30 SEVER ST
Other - 36 SEVER ST
Single Family Residential - 38 SEVER ST
Single Family Residential - 51 SEVER ST
University Vacant - 54 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 6-12 SEVER ST
Affordable Housing Units (Greater Than 50% Of The Units Qualify) - 62 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 64 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 69 SEVER ST
College Or University (Educational Private) - 7 SEVER ST
Charitable Services - 78 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 80 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential - 82 SEVER ST
Three-Family Residential